Fluid Power Technology Roadmaps

2017 NFPA Technology Roadmap
Improving the Design and Function of Fluid Power Components and Systems

In August 2009, the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) published the first Technology Roadmap for the Fluid Power Industry. The purpose of the Roadmap was to provide NFPA member companies and their research partners with an industry-wide consensus regarding the pre-competitive research and development needs of the fluid power industry.

Since its first publication, the Roadmap has been updated three times, most recently in 2017 by the NFPA Roadmap Committee. A copy of this 2017 NFPA Technology Roadmap, subtitled Improving the Design and Function of Fluid Power Components and Systems, can be downloaded below.

The NFPA Roadmap Committee worked via email, conference call, and in-person communications from January to July 2017 to complete this report. Although the report contains information regarding the consensus and individual opinions of the committee members, and represents their most up-to-date thinking on the state-of-the-art, the report should not be interpreted as the single or wholly comprehensive agenda for the fluid power industry.

The Roadmap is the intellectual property of NFPA. It is not for reprint, resale, or redistribution, in whole or in part, without the written permission of NFPA.

The Roadmap is a tool that can be used, with permission obtained from NFPA, by organizations that wish to pursue projects of importance to the fluid power industry. These organizations include both research institutions and companies across the fluid power supply chain. By aligning their activities with the challenges, objectives, and proposed projects described in the Roadmap, they will all play a role in positively shaping the future of fluid power technology.

By putting forth this Roadmap, representing a broad consensus of industry players, and focused on pre-competitive initiatives that will help develop new technologies to benefit the industries, markets, and people served by fluid power, NFPA demonstrates a commitment both to collaboration and to long-term growth and sustainability.

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Fluid Power Advanced Manufacturing Consortium
Final Report

The Fluid Power Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (FPAMC) is a collaboration between the NFPA, the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power, the Association of Manufacturing Technology and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Its purpose is to advance fluid power manufacturing in the United States.

As part of a planning grant received by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the FPAMC published a report that can be viewed as a manufacturing roadmap for the fluid power industry. This report, like the NFPA Technology Roadmap, focuses on identifying the areas of pre-competitive research that are needed to advance fluid power technology in the United States. But unlike the NFPA Technology Roadmap, which focuses primarily on improving the design and performance characteristics of fluid power components and systems, the FPAMC report focuses on improving the mechanisms and methods for manufacturing fluid power components and systems.

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U.S. Department of Energy Study on Energy Consumption of Fluid Power Systems

The U.S. Department of Energy published a study estimating the total amount of energy consumed by fluid power systems in the United States. NFPA participated in the study and uses it to help frame new technology development initiatives for the industry.

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